Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
I'd had this book on my TBR list ever since I learned that it was being published. When I got the opportunity to read it, I absolutely jumped at the opportunity to do so.
Author Brenna Yovanoff has done a truly amazing job with this story. The world-building and character development are complex. The history alone could fill an entire other book, and I see great potential for a sequel or other standalone book in the same world. I was a little disappointed at the numerous editing errors, as most of them were related to repeated words and erroneous word usage, and all could have been corrected by a visual edit as opposed to a spelling/grammar check program, but truth be told, I just couldn't allow that to affect my rating. I simply enjoyed the book that much.
The author did a great job of grabbing my attention and holding it steadfast straight through the last page. The imagery was fantastic. There's a line in the book about a character with such terrible and wonderful power running through him and crackling around him that he might just crack the world. That stayed with me and was truly one of many exciting moments in the story.
The reader should have no difficulty imagining the town, its inhabitants, or its magic and history. It's really that well-done. Kudos to the author for a fiendishly good read!