Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and invited to write an honest review.
I was positively entertained by debut author J.D. Horn's, "The Line." I devoured this first installment of the, "Witching Savannah" series in one sitting and am eager to begin the next.
I found the author's original magical hierarchy and power structure to be refreshing and was pleasantly surprised along the way by a few unexpected elements and plot twists.
Though romantic and family challenges were included, they were integral to the plot and therefore did not overshadow the fantastical elements that drew me to the book in the first place.
While there are many books that I enjoy or even love once really "getting into" them, "The Line" grabbed my attention from the start and held on through the final page. While I wish I had that experience with every new read, the rarity of such an occurrence certainly does make it all that more enjoyable.
With the vast number of paranormal fantasy and urban fantasy offerings for readers to choose from, especially from newer authors struggling to compete with reader commitment to longtime favored authors and investment in long-running series, this one stands out above so many.
I definitely recommend. "The Line" and am looking for more great things from Mr. Horn. I'm pleased to add the, "Witching Savannah" series to my ongoing series list and will be eagerly watching release dates.