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Literary World Traveler

A 37 year old wife, mother, business owner, and devourer of books, I would rather read than do just about anything. My husband and I read every night before bed and throughout the day when we can sneak a few minutes away. My most memorable reading experiences include my husband taking vacation time, standing in lines outside of book stores and attending book parties with me just so we could get two of the first copies of a popular book and shut ourselves in our home while we read them together. There are series that we follow religiously and genres that we just cannot get enough of, but there are enough differences in our preferences that, between the two of us, there are books of pretty much every genre and topic piled on bookshelves in our home and office. Working in market research and managing online and social media presences for our clients' brands, I like the idea of utilizing this media for the promotion of the books and fantastical worlds that I enjoy so much. Reading as many as a hundred books or more per year, I know that I will never read all the books I would like to, with more than two ten thousand books already purchased and set aside and new books being published all the time, but it is not going to stop me from having a wonderful time trying. My husband can read two books per day if he devotes the entire day to reading and has nearly perfect recall; I, on the other hand, can only complete one, but I figure that between the two of us, with all the lazy Sundays, vacation days, and extended lunch hours yet to be had that we will make a respectable dent in the wealth of literature waiting to be explored. Reviews: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A3I4AJ7JORN5WW GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/8828381-kelly-truelove Barnes & Noble: http://my.barnesandnoble.com/Integrity-Consultants-profile Shelfari: http://www.shelfari.com/ladyoberon

The Source of All Evil

The Source - J.D. Horn

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher and was invited to write an honest review.

I enjoyed this second installment of the, "Witching Savannah" series. The author does a nice job of connecting book one and two while giving us another opportunity to enjoy these great characters.

The original magical hierarchy and magic system are refreshing. While a connection between witches and demons is not a new one, the author has revised that connection and given it a fresh take. In addition, I'm pleasantly surprised to see the journey from struggle to acceptance between the Taylor witch family and Mother Jilo, the epitome of the southern Hoodoo practitioner. Her character is positively entertaining, and I'd love to see this magical mix explored further.

I did note a few continuity and editing issues, but these did not detract from my enjoyment of the book. I'm eagerly awaiting book three and hope to see even more character development and revelatory back story.

Favorite quote: "Come on, batter up, bitch. Let Jilo see what you got."